KKP Matching Funds Programs

Regularly communicating your capabilities to customers and prospects and introducing them to your diversified services is key to continued Center growth. There are multiple proven outreach tools and programs available through the Home Office Marketing Team to help you with this effort. Matching Funds can now be used to help you implement turnkey programs through the Marketing Resource Center. These packages were designed to help you meet three key objectives to help you grow your business; increasing brand awareness, lead generation and customer retention.

Marketing is most effective when done over multiple channels, as it takes on average 7 touch points to make a sale. If you are interested in using your matching fund dollars to meet these objectives, please fill out the form below. Upon receiving the form, a project manager from the Marketing Resource Center will reach out to you to get started. If you have questions about what programs are currently available through your ad fund, please email Meghan Taraszkiewicz at [email protected].




Brand Awareness

Lead Gen


Pay-per-click Additional Spend


Assessment will be conducted by the MRC, and final spend will be determined by the centre prior to implementation.




Pay-per-click Call Tracking

$30 (USD)/mo

Call tracking will record the calls that come from your Google Ads campaign. These recordings can be used for training, identifying upsell opportunities, and lead tracking purposes.


Marketing Insider


This package includes custom letter copy, printing and mailing for your centre. (Qty. 50)



Latent Customer Postcard


Revive dormant accounts with these custom postcards printed and mailed to your customers. List provided by the member. (Qty. 100)


Lead Generation Postcard

Set of Four - 500 pcs./mailing

Postcard series to have four touch points to a list provided by the member to generate new leads. Includes customization, printing and mailing. (Qty. 500 per mailing)


Lead Generation Postcard

Set of Four - 1000 pcs./mailing

Postcard series to have four touch points to a list provided by the member to generate new leads. Includes customization, printing and mailing. (Qty. 1,000 per mailing)


Custom display ads


If you are looking to call out a particular product or service, custom display ads are a great piece to accompany your existing pay-per-click campaign. Cost includes one design in five sizes.


Additional Email


Looking to add an email to announce a special promotion, new product or service? This package includes a copywriting, design of email image and set up in Constant Contact (if applicable).



Digital Local Presence Package


Looking to add more pages to your local website and don't have the time? Use this call out product, services, holiday promotions, capabilities and more. This includes a custom banner, custom page and an additional blog post highlighting the topic.



Social Media Package


If you need more social media content, take advantage of this social media package which includes two posts weekly for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. Centre to provide images and set up social accounts.



Social Set-Up Package


New to social media? We can setup your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn Company pages for you. This does not include posting.



Email Lead Nurturing Campaign


Nurture leads, increase brand visibility and increase brand awareness with a set of three emails written, designed and populated in your Constant Contact account. This series of email will be automatically deployed after a customer completes specific tasks, which you determine.



Customized Marketing Plan


Need to develop a marketing plan but not quite sure where to start? Rely on your experts in the MRC to develop a custom strategy and tactics for your centre.




Customized Marketing Plan


Understand your current customer base and identify new growth opportunities by appending sales information, employee size and SIC code to your customer list. This package includes SweetSpot training from the Sales & Training Team. Centre to provide a customer list with sales data appended.


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